Revolutionary technology

 Revolutionary technology

Amazon Go works using smart sensors, deep learning, and sophisticated algorithms that will cause the system to recognize a customer who takes an item and then puts it back, and a customer who leaves with their purchase. The first store is currently in the test phase in Seattle: open only to Amazon employees at the moment, the concept, if it works, could be extended more widely in the United States and who knows, around the world.

A technology so advanced that it still raises a few questions: is the system really completely secure? Is data recovery really accurate, what happens if you put an item back in another location, and most importantly, how much can it cost to operate? And yet, although questions remain for the moment, one imagines that the benefits to customers in terms of convenience outweigh them.

Completely revisited customer experience

As a consumer, it is true that the idea appeals: no longer need to queue, and shopping is no longer synonymous with wasted time. Based on connected intelligence, or Internet 3.0 as we know it, the concept of Amazon Go goes beyond the simple sale of products, going so far as to create an entire environment, in which the customer evolves, and where the digital and the physical combine harmoniously.

With the passage of the fully connected supermarket, the cutting-edge technology continuously implemented in Amazon's strategies, seeks to offer consumers an experience as smooth as possible, with a transition not only automated between each device, but also between digital and reality. .

Amazon Go is a continuation of the Dash Button and the Remote Control, and then the Dash Replenishment Service. The customer can order directly from these objects, then find his order directly on his smartphone app to validate it.

Supermarkets first, and after?

Perhaps one day, robots and other software will have replaced us in many tasks: according to a study carried out on the occasion of this year's World Economic Forum, by 2020, it is more than 5 million jobs that could be carried out by computers. Amazon Go is revolutionizing the convenience store industry, like Uber, Tesla and even Google, which have enough cards in their hands to change the situation in transport and delivery with the development of wireless cars. drivers.

Source: Forbes

The concept of Amazon Go is unquestionably part of the brand's unique customer experience-oriented strategy, and once again proves that it is always one step ahead of its competitors. In addition, this leads us to reflect on the future of local commerce: each actor, whether consumer or company, does not evolve at the same speed: are we therefore all ready to adopt such innovations in our daily lives? ?

Judging by the election of Donald Trump and his desire to "Make America Great Again" by updating thousands of industrial jobs - which has also earned him the votes - we can sense that progress is still to be made in people's minds before being able to fully collaborate with artificial intelligence.